Franchise Sherpas

Flexibility to meet our client's demands

IJ Designs brought another client to us that wanted a content management system. This client had done a little research and had decided that they wanted to use Drupal for their framework.  This wasn't our first choice and while we have read and researched much about Drupal we didn't have much hands-on experience with it.  We accepted the job.

Our experience with Drupal has made us appreciate our Mercury Framework more and more!  Drupal certainly has its place but for experienced designers and developers our opinion is that Drupal is NOT the way to go.   We were able to implement Idelle's design to the client's satisfaction but the process was much more painful and took much longer than it would have with our own tools.

Still, it's good to broaden our horizons and experience what else is out there.  Visit their site at

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