Change your passwords!

A public service announcement...

This is a reminder to change your passwords on a regular basis.  In this age of identity theft it makes sense to take steps to make sure you're protected!

We may sound like a broken record when we say this but here are some things to avoid:

  • Do not base your password on a date
  • Do not base your password on a dictionary word
  • Do not base your password on someone's name


Here are some suggestions that will help you make a stronger password:

  • Use at least one capital letter and at least one number
  • If possible use a punctuation character as well
  • Can't remember "ke99d+-3jd"?  Use something like "swarm7*Hockey" instead


Finally, try to use different passwords in different places.  Don't use the same password for your FaceBook account as you would for your bank account. 

If you can change usernames from system to system it will greatly improve your security.  While it's less convenient to remember multiple login/password combinations it's much more convenient than cleaning up a mess if your account gets compromised.

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